5 Haziran 2007 Salı

Resistance groups win the public relations

Newsweek: "regardless of the money the US spend, the resistance groups in Iraq record their all demonstrations with their cell phones; distribute and the public wins."According to the Newsweek magazine in the USA, the cheap cell phones and computers makes the publicities and advertisement campaigns of million dollars by the USA worthless. The resistance groups already gained the support of the support of the Iraqi people. The magazine assessed especially the fight of footage of Saddam's execution in the article with the title "how does the USA lose the war of public relations in Iraq?" According to the magazine, the resistance groups record the tanks they explode or the US soldiers they kill. They attack only to generate video footage. Then they distribute the videos on internet; which makes the US army seem as "the escaping and harmed party".08/01/07 08:59:22

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